Got questions?

We've got answers.


  • We're all about giving you personalised attention and creating a plan that suits you! The first appointment includes a thorough assessment and the possibility of immersing into treatments right away.

  • The duration may vary, but you should plan for sufficient time during the first appointment for a detailed assessment and potential treatment.

  • Absolutely, you're welcome to start your treatment during the first visit! The only hitch? It hinges on the outcome of our assessment and whether the chosen procedure is the perfect match for you. But fear not – our expert will be by your side, ensuring every step is tailored to your individual needs

  • Consider it a series – certain treatments yield optimal results with a few sessions. We'll delve into this during our initial consultation and devise a customized plan that aligns seamlessly with your preferences and goals.

  • We appreciate your enthusiasm! Depending on the nature of the treatment and your distinct preferences, we could potentially arrange for a comprehensive, one-day experience. Let's explore ambitious possibilities together!

  • It's recommended to arrive with a clean face and refrain from wearing makeup, if applicable. Be prepared to openly share your aesthetic aspirations and provide insights into your health history. Your forthcoming communication will contribute to a more tailored and effective experience

  • Depending on the specific treatment, there may be temporary side effects or downtime. The practitioner will provide detailed information during the consultation.

  • Our treatments, while amazing, might bring along a bit of bruising and swelling, usually sticking around for 2-3 days and up to 1-2 weeks. We'll have a good chat during your consultation about the unique downtime each treatment has—tailored just for you. We'll dive into all the details and make sure you're well-informed during our consultation

  • We offer Afterpay services to treatments costs over $1000.

    Afterpay cannot be used with any other promotional offers or discounts.

  • Many of our treatments come with minimal downtime, allowing you to seamlessly return to work or attend social functions right away. Some treatments will have side effects. Feel free to share any concerns during your appointment booking, and we'll provide specific advice tailored to each treatment. Your comfort and confidence are our top priorities!

  • Please avoid any anti-inflammatory medications (such as ibuprofen and aspirin) as they can cause an increased risk of bruising. You should also avoid drinking alcohol in the 24 hours prior to and after treatment. We will not treat within 2 weeks of surgical/cosmetic/dental procedures or vaccinations.

  • To make sure you get the absolute best results and give any potential bruising or swelling a chance to say goodbye, we suggest planning your treatments at least one to two months before your special occasion. If you're a bit more last-minute, no worries! Two weeks before your event should still do the trick. We want you feeling fantastic for your big day!

  • After every assessment, a detailed cost will be provided to you for any treatments discussed.

  • It is not recommended to have any treatments while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Wrinkle reducing treatments work wonders in smoothing out fine lines on your face and, in some cases, can even offer a subtle lifting or slimming effect. On the other hand, dermal volumisers are fantastic for restoring volume or enhancing your natural tissues, providing hydration and smoothing out those fine lines. It's like a little rejuvenation magic!

  • We meticulously choose industry-recognised products with a proven long-term safety profile. Following your treatment assessment, we'll sit down and go over the diverse treatment options tailored to you. This discussion will encompass not only the potential benefits but also a thorough examination of the associated risks and side effects. Your safety and well-being are paramount in our approach.

  • We suggest considering a wrinkle reducing treatment approximately every 3-5 months. It's worth noting that the duration of effects may vary individually, influenced by factors such as metabolism and personal response to the product. Your unique characteristics will be taken into account to optimize the longevity of the results.

  • Following dermal volumiser treatments, you can expect immediate results. To maintain optimal outcomes, we typically recommend top-up treatments every 6-18 months. The specific timeframe for follow-up treatments will be tailored to your individual response and desired results.

Begin your journey with us today